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Wafer Fabrication, Analyses, and Testing

  • A platform based on femtosecond laser technologies is built to fabricate and analyze the SiC wafers. Relvant platform has been used for the collaboration projects with the local foundries.
  • 36% SiC wafer cutting crack reduction is demonstrated by our patented method using diamond blades coated with thin-film metallic glass. [Patented]
  • A X-ray computed tomography platform is built to real-time monitor the growth conditions of the SiC wafers. This plaform can later be used for fabricating large-size wafers (300 mm diameter).
  • The propertries and structures of various 2D materials are analyzed.
  • A terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) is built to analyze the properties and defects of the SiC wafers, and to identify the potential packaging falures among disconnected pins.
  • Techniques to fabricate the metal alloy intermediate layer (AuIn) quantum dot arrays for Si/Ge heterogeneous wafer bonding is developed.
  • Inorganic nanoparticle reinforced polymer adhesives are developed.
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