Compound Photonic Devices, Integration, and Packaging
In colloabration with WIN (the local foundry), the high-power lasers capable of >200 mW output power is successfully demonstrated.
[S. Sulikhah et al., in Proc. OFC2024, W2A.18 (2024).]
Electronic circuits for 56Gb/s transmission are designed.
Tenser processing circuits for high-performance computing are developed.
Photonic wire bonding technoloiges based on two-photon polymerization are developed for hetergenous chip integration.
A fabrication platform for GaN-on-Si device is built. By directly integrating the photo-receivers with the LEDs, we demonstrate constant LED output power by dynamiacally adjusting the LED current according to the monitored feedback signals. [Y.-T. Chang et al., in Proc. CLEO 2023,JTu2A.58 (2023).]