荷蘭半導體國家隊 創新訪團拜訪了 國際矽光子異質整合聯盟(HiSPA),與超過20位長期於光電產業供應鏈耕耘的廠商以及教授進行交流。除分享彼此的技術,也討論了在全球AI及新興應用驅動力下,雙方如何找到共同合作的模式及切入點。期望能藉此機會串連雙邊產學研能量,搭建積體光路與異質整合的合作平台。
TeamSemiconNL’s Innovation Mission visited the International Heterogeneously-Integrated Silicon Photonics Alliance (HiSPA), and engaged with more than 20 companies and academics with extensive experience working in the optoelectronics supply chain. In addition to introducing their technologies, they explored ways to seek opportunities for cooperation against the backdrop of global AI and emerging applications. We hope this opportunity will help bring together the industry, academia, and research from both the Netherlands and Taiwan, and build a platform for cooperation in the area of integrated photonics and heterogeneous integration.